​​Morrill County Nebraska

The Morrill County Veterans Service Office offers the following benefits for those veterans who are eligible:

County Veterans Aid
A Bronze Grave Flag Holder
Registration of DD214's
Homestead Exemption

Applications for headstone
Benefits Counseling and Advocacy
Assistance with the application for State and Federal VA benefits.

County Veterans' Aid Fund:

The CVA fund is a temporary emergency fund to assist Veterans, their spouses, and dependents when there is an unforeseen emergency and there are no other resources available. Eligible Veterans are persons who served on active duty, received an Honorable Discharge, and served during one of the defined "wartime eras" and who have resided in Nebraska for at least one year, and Morrill County for at least six months. Applicants may request assistance with food, shelter, clothing, funeral, medical, dental, and surgical items. The applicant must apply through the County Service Office in Morrill County.  This is an "aid" program, so the veteran must demonstrate an "inability" to meet the obligation to pay these bills, via an application.

Flag Holders:

State of Nebraska statute requires the County Veterans Service Office to provide a flag holder reflecting the Veterans wartime era.  

Registration of DD214's:

Morrill County records a "certified copy" of the original copy of a Veteran's military separation document (DD-214).  Once recorded, the Veteran may call us from any where in the world and we will provide them with a "certified copy" when needed.

Homestead Exemption:

Annually, the Morrill County Veteran's Service Office obtains a letter from the VA Regional Office that establishes who our eligible Veterans (or widows) are for a tax exemption on their personal residence.  These letters are provided to the County Assessor.

Applications for headstone:

Upon notification of the burial of a Veteran in Morrill County, we will assist in filling out a form 40-1330 for Standard Government Headstone.  We also order a "Presidential Memorial Certificate" for the family of all deceased Morrill County Veterans.

Military Honor plates:
Military Honor license plates are available, in lieu of regular county plates, to persons who have served, or are currently serving, on active duty in the:

United States Army
United States Air Force
United States Coast Guard
United States Marine Corps
United States National Guard, or
United States Navy
United States Army Reserve
United States Navy Reserve
United States Marine Corps Reserve
United States Coast Guard Reserve
United States Air Force Reserve

To request Military Honor license plates, the applicant must be eligible for, and enrolled in, the Nebraska Veteran’s Registry through the Nebraska Department of Veteran’s Affairs and have served (with an honorable or general under honorable conditions discharge/separation), or be currently serving, on active duty in the specific branch for which a license plate is requested.

Military Honor Message Plates
Cost: $40.00 (due at the time of initial application, must be renewed annually in the same month as the vehicle registration)
These plates are of exclusive design and, as with regular Message plates, are produced with an available message of your choice of up to five characters. 

Military Honor Numeric Plates
Cost: $ 5.00 (due at the time of initial application, must be renewed annually in the same month as the vehicle registration)

These plates have the same exclusive design as on the Military Honor Message plates, but are assigned an alpha/numeric combination by the Department of Motor Vehicles. These plates are issued in consecutive numeric order in the order in which the applications are received.  Requests for specific numbers cannot be processed.

Veterans Services

Morrill County Veteran's Service Officer

Tim Marquez

606 L Street

P.O. Box 536

Bridgeport, NE  69336

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday  7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (open thru lunch)

                             Friday- 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.  or later.

                             (Also make home visits if necessary during/after hours)

Phone: 308-262-0787  (please call and make an appointment or leave a message)

Fax: 308-262-9984

Email: tim@morrillcountyne.com